
4,5 (172)
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Automatiseringssoftware voor alle professionele servicebedrijven

Over Accelo

Accelo combineert de belangrijkste behoeften van je verkoop, projectmanagement, provisies, servicetickets en samenwerking op één platform voor kleine tot middelgrote dienstverlenende bedrijven, en maakt het vervolgens eenvoudig om werk toe te wijzen, de voortgang bij te houden, en in realtime budgetten en winstgevendheid te bekijken. Accelo helpt je zicht te krijgen op de prestaties van je gehele bedrijf, zodat je moeiteloos het werk kunt leveren dat je klanten waarderen.


Cliënten en contacten: een krachtige maar eenvoudig te gebruiken klantendatabase, waarmee je snel en gemakkelijk alle correspondentie, verkoop, werk en facturen met klanten kunt bekijken.

Verkoop en marketing: voer marketing uit naar je leads en klanten en beheer vervolgens het verkoop- en offerteproces, dat snel en gebruiksvriendelijk is en geschikt voor de verkoop van professionele diensten.

Taken en projecten: volledig functionele taakregistratie en projectmanagement, ontworpen om de flexibiliteit te bieden die serviceprofessionals nodig hebben. Beheer je projecten, budgetten, tijd en taken met vertrouwen en gemak, allemaal op één plek.

Problemen en service: lever uitstekende service en ondersteuning met een geïntegreerd systeem waarmee je het volledige beeld van de klantrelatie kunt zien.

Contracten en voorschotten: heb je voorschotten of servicecontracten met klanten? Verminder je facturerings- en rapportageproblemen met de module voor contracten en voorschotten, die je werk en urenstaten automatisch koppelt aan je contracten.

Facturen en betalingen: maak moeiteloos facturen aan vanuit taken, serviceproblemen, contracten en urenstaten - en krijg betaald voor het werk dat je daadwerkelijk doet! Je kunt facturen ook meteen synchroniseren met je belangrijkste boekhoudpakket.

Taken, planning en urenstaten: om je te helpen dingen voor elkaar te krijgen, heeft Accelo taakregistratie, projectplanning en urenstaten geïntegreerd - alles wat je team nodig heeft om hun tijd, werk en deadlines te beheren.

E-mail, opmerkingen en samenwerking: Accelo slaat je e-mails, documenten, vergadernotities en meer direct automatisch op bij de verkoop, het project, het serviceprobleem of het klantendossier, zodat je gemakkelijk belangrijke informatie kunt vinden.

Klantenportaal: geef je klanten realtime, 24/7 toegang tot hun eigen project-, contract-, service- en accountgegevens om de transparantie en serviceniveaus te verbeteren en je klanten in staat te stellen zichzelf te helpen.

Directe e-mailmarketingcampagnes: stuur e-mailcampagnes rechtstreeks vanuit Accelo naar je klanten.


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Accelo Software - 1
Accelo Software - 2
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4,5 (172)
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US$ 7,53


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4,2 (172)
4,1 (15.070)


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4,3 (15.070)


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4,5 /5

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5 van 172 reviews worden weergegeven
Kavindu Githsara
Kavindu Githsara
  • Sector: E-learning
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 11-50 werknemers
  • Wekelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10

A Comprehensive Project Management Tool

Beoordeeld op 22-2-2023

Overall, Accelo is a comprehensive project management software that offers a wide range of features...

Overall, Accelo is a comprehensive project management software that offers a wide range of features and integrations. Its ability to automate repetitive tasks, create custom workflows, and streamline operations make it an ideal tool for businesses that handle large projects. While it may take some time to master, the benefits that Accelo offers make it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to improve their project management capabilities.


Accelo is a powerful project management software that streamlines operations and allows teams to manage our work efficiently. One of the most significant benefits of Accelo is its integration with various tools such as Gmail, G Suite, Office 365, and QuickBooks. This integration enables us to manage customer data, projects, tasks, and billing in one place, which significantly simplifies the workflow. Accelo's automation features help users save time and eliminate repetitive tasks. Its smart scheduling tools and calendar integration enable us to allocate time effectively and manage our workload. We can also assign tasks, track progress, and set deadlines for the our members to ensure timely delivery of projects. One of the standout features of Accelo is its ability to create custom workflows that meet our unique requirements. The software offers customizable templates, which can be tailored to specific workflows, making it easy to manage a wide range of projects.


However, Accelo's complexity may make it difficult for new users to get up to speed quickly. The software has a steep learning curve and may require some training to use effectively.

Antwoord van Accelo

Hi Kavindu Githsara, thank you for taking the time to leave a review! We are glad to hear that helped your team work more efficiently and is helping consolidate your client work into one centralized system. We really appreciate hearing about your positive experience with the platform and want to thank you again for taking the time to share your feedback!

  • Sector: Architectuur en planning
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 2-10 werknemers
  • Anders Gratis proef lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10

Product Analyzer

Beoordeeld op 7-5-2019

I enjoyed working with both the Tech and Sales reps. The tech rep was awesome in answering any...

I enjoyed working with both the Tech and Sales reps. The tech rep was awesome in answering any questions I had at any one time. We did several webinars where the tech and I worked through questions/issues I was having. They have great learning videos, and although I wasn't a part of it, they had a good setup and training program for the end user I was recommending them to. Not once was I told that I was asking too much and would need to purchase before getting answers.


I loved the analytics of this product. I was demoing several products for a client that was looking for a PM software that handled a lot of their issues. This software fit the bill. They let me demo it for over 2 months, as I also had a full time job at the time that interfered with my daily testing/playing time with it.


I pick up new software fairly easy. I did have a major learning curve with this software. But once I got over that it was smooth sailing from there on out.

Overwogen alternatieven

Kantata en Wrike

Redenen om over te stappen op Accelo

I researched over 20 and demoed 4 products and brought all 4 to the table with pros and cons that I found with each of them. Mavenlink I thought was overpriced compared to the others. I also felt they weren't as helpful or agreeable to help while I was demoing. Wrike was okay, but they started to shy on giving me time to work with the product. A big factor in my decision making was who was the most customer/user firendly. Who wanted me to really like their product. I wasn't buy for me, I was researching for someone else. I gave that information up front. and the 2 I ended up taking to the client was Liquid Planner and Accelo. We set up online demos for the client to see and ask their own questions. That day, Accelo performed the better demo and the client went with them.
  • Dagelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 7.0 /10

Good At Lots, Not Great At Anything

Beoordeeld op 1-11-2016

Accelo is a decent platform that aims high in their feature set, but with mediocre results. We were...

Accelo is a decent platform that aims high in their feature set, but with mediocre results. We were attracted by the number of integrations available, but some of those have since been removed.

I am encouraged by the pace of development, so it's quite possible these features will grow in maturity in the near future.


The platform has a number of serviceable solutions that integrate well with each other, and with Google Apps / Gmail. The onboarding options are helpful and support staff are very friendly.
The Retainer tool does a decent job of managing recurring tasks and commitments once you figure out how to use it.


Unorthodox vocabulary, modules operate differently from class leaders, so the learning curve is significant and that can impair adoption across a team.
None of the modules can reasonably be called best-of-breed - but most are still useful.
- The Ticket system is a far cry from Zendesk, but still good enough.
- The quote feature doesn't stack up to Quote Roller, so we still use QR for sales proposals. Accelo used to support integration with Quote Roller, but no longer does.
- We tried to get by with their Project Management tool, but everyone gave up. Now we use JIRA for major projects.
- We have multiple businesses operating in different currencies, so we reply on Xero for accounting, and Freshbooks for invoicing.

Antwoord van Accelo

Thanks for your review, Ryan. Since you posted it we've been working very very hard with dozens of people in our design, development, QA and other product teams to make the product great. And we're going to keep working on making it better.

  • Sector: Administratie
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 2-10 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10

Game Changer for our Professional Services Company

Beoordeeld op 12-2-2020

The implementation support was excellent. They really worked with us to configure Accelo to meet...

The implementation support was excellent. They really worked with us to configure Accelo to meet our business needs. The tool meets 90-95% of our needs, and they continue to improve upon it. Their support team is one of the best we have seen (we have used many products over the years).


Accelo provides a CRM, sales funnel, statements of work (quoting), active work (projects and ongoing), time tracking and invoicing -- all in one fully integrated platform. The tool is quite user-friendly if set up properly for your business.


The integration with QuickBooks Online needs some additional features.

  • Sector: Consumentendiensten
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 51-200 werknemers
  • Wekelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 9.0 /10

Good for managing and running projects

Beoordeeld op 19-3-2021

Overall a very organized software. Keeps everything in one place.

Overall a very organized software. Keeps everything in one place.


I love how easy it is to understand. Completely customizable and very organized on a whole. Tracking transactions with previous customers is super easy.


The ease for booking leaves is actually not so easy. It seems to be very complicated. Also I have having to do so many tasks manually.

Antwoord van Accelo

Thanks Sherae for the great feedback! We'd love for you to share any additional information on the booking process and how you think this could be improved, within our Ideas Forum ( Thanks for being a part of the Accelo community.

5 van 172 worden weergegeven Lees alle reviews

Accelo - Veelgestelde vragen

Hieronder zie je enkele veelgestelde vragen over Accelo.

Accelo kent de volgende prijsmodellen:

  • Prijsmodel: Abonnement
  • Gratis proef: Niet beschikbaar

Accelo heeft de volgende typische klanten:

Zelfstandig ondernemer, 2-10, 11-50, 51-200

Accelo ondersteunt de volgende talen:


Accelo ondersteunt de volgende apparaten:

Android (mobiel), iPhone (mobiel), iPad (mobiel)

Accelo kan worden geïntegreerd met de volgende toepassingen:

BrightGauge, ConnectWise Cybersecurity Management, Expensify, Google Analytics 360, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Workspace, Gusto, HubSpot CRM, Ignition, Jira, Kaseya VSA, Mailchimp, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Power BI, NinjaOne, PayPal, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Online Advanced, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Stripe, Twitter/X, Xero, Zapier, Zendesk Suite,

Accelo biedt de volgende ondersteuningsopties:

E-mail/helpdesk, Veelgestelde vragen/forum, Kennisbank, Telefonische ondersteuning, Chatten

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