
Over Caremerge
Caremerge is EHR- (electronic health record) en betrokkenheidssoftware die faciliteiten voor zelfstandig wonen, begeleid wonen, geheugenzorg en CCRC oplossingen biedt voor EHR- en eMAR-beheer, familie- en gemeenschapsbetrokkenheid, agendabeheer, chronische zorgmanagement, en meer. Als cloudoplossing biedt Caremerge gebruikers de mogelijkheid om gegevens online bij te houden en te beheren via elk apparaat met internettoegang, inclusief desktops, laptops, tablets en mobiele apparaten.
De EHR van Caremerge voor seniorenwoningen stelt gebruikers in staat om persoonlijke informatie, notities, to-do's, documenten en beoordelingen te beheren vanuit één compatibel platform. Gebruikers kunnen beoordelingen stroomlijnen en beheren met hulpprogramma's voor het bijhouden van zorgtaken en een beoordelingskalender. Caremerge ondersteunt ook informatie- en incidentrapportage, waardoor gebruikers bruikbare inzichten krijgen in bewonersservices en -incidenten. Een centraal dashboard stelt gebruikers in staat om medicatie-uitzonderingen, eMAR-taken en PRN's allemaal op één plek te controleren.
Caremerge verbindt personeel van seniorenwoningen, bewoners en hun families via HIPAA-conforme berichten en familiemededelingen. Gezinnen kunnen feedback indienen via Net Promoter Score-enquêtes. Caremerge ondersteunt ook betrokkenheid van de community door middel van digitale ondertekening en Amazon Alexa-integratie. Met de tools voor agendabeheer kunnen gebruikers de activiteiten en programma's van de faciliteit plannen, bijhouden en rapporteren. Andere Caremerge-functies omvatten integraties met apotheken, slim medisch orderbeheer, meerdere machtigingsniveaus, realtime meldingen en meer.

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- Wekelijks 1-5 maanden lang gebruikt
Bron van de reviewer
- Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
- Gebruiksgemak
- Klantenondersteuning
It doesn't work very well.
Beoordeeld op 26-2-2018
The resident directory cannot be searched for specific names. The private message function is irratic. The site does not look professionally done. It's not clear what does or does not go out to everyone using the site. It seems as if it were programmed by amateurs. Had I been choosing, I would never have chosen Caremerge.
- Sector: Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche
- Bedrijfsgrootte: 501-1.000 werknemers
- Dagelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
Bron van de reviewer
- Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
- Gebruiksgemak
- Klantenondersteuning
- Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10
Such an Amazing Program!
Beoordeeld op 26-4-2022
My experience has been that Caremerge has been a partner to help me do my job even more. I have had...
My experience has been that Caremerge has been a partner to help me do my job even more. I have had more time to get out and physically do acitvites every day and less time constructing the calendar and planning because caremerge helps me do all that automatically ! it is so great.
This product is so great for directors, residents, and families involved in a senior living community. It takes hours to create a calendar from scratch each month and caremerge will make the calendar for you!! That is just one of many great things. You also are able to take attendance of resident participation and then create a detailed report of what they have participated in down to percentages of types of activity. The communication and announcement feature to connect with family is so nice! Much easier than emails and you can respond quicker than having messages get buried in your email account. The residents can have accounts as well and post on our community board, sign up for activities and see what is going on for the day! It is just a great program overall and we love all that Caremerge has to offer!
Sometimes the app has a hard time populating all the residnets, so when you go to take attendance as a staff member on the app, you scroll through the resident list and not all residents show up, staff have to search for the resident in order to take their attendance. It takes just a little more thought and time, then just looking at the list and checking if they participated
- Sector: Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche
- Bedrijfsgrootte: 201-500 werknemers
- Dagelijks 2+ jaar lang gebruikt
Bron van de reviewer
- Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
- Gebruiksgemak
- Klantenondersteuning
- Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10
Caremerge is a great EHR solution for a CCRC
Beoordeeld op 21-1-2022
WE first implemented Family engagement several years ago to address HIPAA compliance issues with...
WE first implemented Family engagement several years ago to address HIPAA compliance issues with email with family. This greatly improved communications and eased stress or missed calls and voicemails. We then advanced to the health record, and worked with Caremerge in developing and implementing the E-Mar that interfaces with our pharmacy. This implementation saved many hours for our staff in entering new physician ordered medications and decrease the potential for medication entry errors. A great relationship with your pharmacy is required to make this a success and we are grateful for our pharmacy partner. Charting by our certified caregivers is much easier in this system than prior systems we had used. Designed to meet the regulatory requirements in assisted living, we are pleased that it is easy to schedule and view the chart entries that support the Service Plan. Our experience with the Caremerge Team has been so positive and productive.
I like the clean uncluttered look, the ease to use it, designed to allow the user to quickly and intuitively learn/use the functions.
I would love to see an option to increase the Font Size of text,
- Sector: Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche
- Bedrijfsgrootte: 201-500 werknemers
- Dagelijks 2+ jaar lang gebruikt
Bron van de reviewer
- Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
- Gebruiksgemak
- Klantenondersteuning
- Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 10.0 /10
Best Engagement Tools on the Market!
Beoordeeld op 22-11-2019
the product is easy to use, the Caremerge staff is great to work with, very accommodating and...
the product is easy to use, the Caremerge staff is great to work with, very accommodating and helpful to myself and my staff if we have questions. We have 60 communities signed up with Caremerge, when I have new staff, I am able to train them easily, they understand it well.
Caremerge offers the ability for Residents and Family Members to be completely engaged in life of the Community. There are engagement opportunities for staff and family through family messaging and announcements platforms as well as for residents with the Community Engagement platform. The platform and app is very user friendly.
The price of the product is a little pricey, but we get a great product and service from the Caremerge team, so it is worth it.
- Sector: Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche
- Bedrijfsgrootte: 51-200 werknemers
- Dagelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
Bron van de reviewer
- Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
- Gebruiksgemak
- Klantenondersteuning
- Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 9.0 /10
Caremerge on the Cutting Edge
Beoordeeld op 22-11-2019
The ability to stay connected in this ever changing and technology based world is so important....
The ability to stay connected in this ever changing and technology based world is so important. Caremerge has helped us to provide something different that meets the needs of the community, the meets of the residents and the needs of the families all in one convenient and easy to use location.
Caremerge really tries to adapt their software to the needs of the community as well as the families that utilize it as well. They are open to ideas and have taken the constructive criticism to heart in terms of continuing to grow and change to meet the needs of those using the software. It is extremely beneficial in our community and really sets us apart from others in our industry
There are some adaptations that I would make that I have recommended that I have been told are being worked on but time passes and I never know if they are still being worked on or considered or if they have decided to no longer pursue those changes at all. It would be nice for the app to be a bit more customizable in terms of the calendar and the PDF styler.
Caremerge - Veelgestelde vragen
Hieronder zie je enkele veelgestelde vragen over Caremerge.V. Welke prijsmodellen heeft Caremerge te bieden?
Caremerge kent de volgende prijsmodellen:
- Vanaf: US$ 1,00/maand
- Prijsmodel: Abonnement
- Gratis proef: Niet beschikbaar
V. Wat zijn de typische gebruikers van Caremerge?
Caremerge heeft de volgende typische klanten:
2-10, 11-50, 51-200, 201-500
V. Welke talen worden door Caremerge ondersteund?
Caremerge ondersteunt de volgende talen:
V. Biedt Caremerge ondersteuning voor mobiele apparaten?
Caremerge ondersteunt de volgende apparaten:
Android (mobiel), iPhone (mobiel), iPad (mobiel)
V. Met welke andere apps kan Caremerge worden geïntegreerd?
Caremerge kan worden geïntegreerd met de volgende toepassingen:
Accushield, Aline, OneDay, Rx30, SRx, TheWorxHub, Volanté POS, WelcomeHome
V. Welke mate van ondersteuning heeft Caremerge te bieden?
Caremerge biedt de volgende ondersteuningsopties:
Telefonische ondersteuning, 24/7 (contact met medewerker)
Gerelateerde categorieën
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