Over ClearCompany

Sinds 2004 helpt ClearCompany bedrijven met het vinden, aannemen en beheren van talent met hun software voor talentbeheer. Het ClearCompany-platform beheert de volledige levenscyclus van medewerkers, wat leidt tot een betere wervingservaring, naadloze onboardingprocessen, het onderling afstemmen van doelen tussen teams en efficiënte prestatiebeheersystemen.

Met het kandidatenvolgsysteem van ClearCompany kun je eenvoudiger dan ooit en in minder tijd betere mensen aantrekken, screenen, evalueren en aannemen. Dankzij een geïntegreerde sourcingtool heb je met één klik toegang tot 160 miljoen talentprofielen en kun je hun informatie delen met inboxen voor vacatures en interne teams. Intelligente screeningtools en video-interviewcapaciteiten verkorten je aanwervingsperiode en helpen je om de talentenpool sneller te versmallen. De geweldige rapportagetools zorgen ervoor dat je voldoet aan de voorschriften.

De onboarding-oplossing van ClearCompany maakt onboarding eenvoudig met geautomatiseerd online leveren, bijhouden en verzamelen van al je formulieren voor nieuwe medewerkers. Slimme formulieren maken een einde aan overbodige gegevensinvoer door eerder ingevoerde informatie vooraf in te vullen en vervolgens de gegevens te verifiëren voor opmaak en nauwkeurigheid. Achtergrondcontroles, beheer van I-9-formulieren, integratie met E-Verify en WOTC-beheer stellen je in staat om al je processen geautomatiseerd en binnen de regels te houden.

Met prestatie- en doelbeheer kun je moeiteloos zoveel aangepaste schalen, vragen en beoordelingen instellen als je nodig hebt, inclusief gewogen onderdelen, scoretabellen en resultaten voor vrije tekst. Beheer continue de prestaties en zie realtime vooruitgang ten opzichte van doelen; visualiseer vervolgens eenvoudig alle gegevens per rol, afdelingen, kantoor of een andere nodige statistiek.


ClearCompany Software - 1
ClearCompany Software - 2
ClearCompany Software - 3
ClearCompany Software - 4
ClearCompany Software - 5
ClearCompany Software - 6
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ClearCompany Software - 1
ClearCompany Software - 2
ClearCompany Software - 3
ClearCompany Software - 4
ClearCompany Software - 5
ClearCompany Software - 6

Twijfels over ClearCompany? Vergelijk met een populair alternatief


4,4 (321)


Geen prijsinformatie gevonden
US$ 0,01


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Gratis versie
Gratis proefversie




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4,5 (321)
3,6 (178)


4,3 (321)
3,4 (178)


4,4 (321)
3,6 (178)
Groene beoordelingsbalken geven het winnende product aan, op basis van de gemiddelde beoordeling en het aantal reviews.


Oracle Taleo Cloud

#1 alternatief voor ClearCompany
Met Oracle TBE cloudservice heb je moeiteloos toegang tot belangrijke werknemersgegevens en kun je de bedrijfsactiviteit...


#2 alternatief voor ClearCompany
Reviewsnap biedt een krachtig, gebruiksvriendelijk, flexibel en kosteneffectief webgebaseerd prestatiebeheersysteem met...

UKG Ready

#3 alternatief voor ClearCompany
Kronos Workforce Ready is een volledig pakket van oplossingen voor HCM (human capital management, beheer van menselijk...


#4 alternatief voor ClearCompany
BambooHR bevat een ingebouwd kandidatenvolgsysteem met basis- en geavanceerde functies, waaronder vacatures, cv-commenta...



4,4 /5

Heb je ClearCompany al?

Softwarekopers hebben je hulp nodig! Productreviews helpen anderen om goede beslissingen te nemen.

5 van 321 reviews worden weergegeven
  • Wekelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 9.0 /10

My current implemented Clear Company Software for six clients. They are happy with its...

Beoordeeld op 7-6-2018

1. Employee Performance Management
2. The software helps employers are able to hire the best...

1. Employee Performance Management
2. The software helps employers are able to hire the best talent
3. Employees are able to understand what they bring to the table
4. The software helps in on boarding and recruitment of employees


I like how the software tracks an employee holistically. From onboarding, recruitment, goal tracking and performance management using metrics for measuring success. This is helps employers hire the top talent. The software is also beneficial for employees since they are able to understand how their work impacts a company.


1. It can take some time for users to learn how to use the software, but once they do, things are smooth.
2. The software does not allow for much customization like theme color.

  • Sector: Defensie en ruimtevaart
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 501-1.000 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 9.0 /10

Cleanest, Simplest Interface

Beoordeeld op 15-12-2020




As a recruiter, I value the clean simplicity of the Clear Company user interface. No two products have the same design, so there is perhaps a half day of getting used to where things are found in the candidate lifecycle, but once you see it, it makes perfect sense and becomes habit. Also, the overall look of each page is 'clean' - easy to see all the information without needing to overlook a bunch of unused information.


I do not have any negative impressions of the Clear Company product from the point of view of a recruiter. I am completely satisfied.

  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning

Okay system; bad customer service

Beoordeeld op 3-6-2016

I was with this system when it was HRM and then ClearCompany bought it out. This happened a year...

I was with this system when it was HRM and then ClearCompany bought it out. This happened a year after we implemented the HRM system and it felt like we had to go through constant training with our hiring managers and updates for the transition. I had 3-4 different reps in less than 2 years and the response time was horrible. I waited over a month for things to get done and implemented. When ClearCompany took the product over it was definitely better than HRM but not enough to justify them wanting to double our cost! I felt like it was finally an okay system as opposed to bad and was not willing to pay twice the amount for okay. If you're a growing organization and don't want to go through the headache of changing systems in the future look for a system that does not charge per recruiter license. A lot of the functions that only recruiters could utilize should have been available to hiring managers or HR generalists. For example, you could not search a specific applicant if you did not have a recruiter license so if we made a hire and HR needed to grab some info from the system they could not use their hiring manager access to do so even if they had access to the candidate in the requisition. They had to try and remember which requisition they were pulled from and go into the requ and find the candidate which makes it challenging if you have to hire 20 of the same position. Another headache is if you want to really track your candidates and the time to fill you can't indicate to the system that you need 20 admins, you have to post 20 times. Waste of time.

Overall: System is ok and functioning = 3 (the CRM aspect is horrible, I wouldn't recommend at all this is just for ATS)
Ease of use: search limitations and the fact you can't identify more than one hire needed for a role increased the workload = 2
Customer service: horrible. Expect delayed responses and implementation of things needed. Really impacts the efficiency. = 1

Antwoord van ClearCompany

Hi Tina, we appreciate your feedback and are sorry to hear that you have not had an optimal experience with our customer service team. It sounds like we did not effectively communicate our rebrand or some of our staffing updates to your team. We changed our name from HRM Direct to ClearCompany in 2013 to better reflect our total offering, and were not acquired. We strove to minimize the impact this name change had on our clients, and it looks like we didn¿t excel on that with your team. We apologize for any confusion the change caused for you. Additionally, we are committed to offering our team members options for growth in their careers. As a result, we do see staffing changes from time to time. In your account's case, we promoted two Relationship Managers into more senior roles in 2014 - both of whom were dedicated to your account.

  • Sector: Fabricage van elektrische/elektronische producten
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 51-200 werknemers
  • Wekelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 4.0 /10

ATS thats all in one.

Beoordeeld op 19-5-2022

Pretty positive! I did have a hiccup with sponsor a job post and a rep getting back to me but it...

Pretty positive! I did have a hiccup with sponsor a job post and a rep getting back to me but it was eventually solved.


I really like that you can post internal and external jobs and that there are templates for your jobs so you don't have to re-type them up every time you post a job! Its also very customizable to your company.


The software is very windows 95 looking it could use a refresh and an update on the format of where things are.

  • Sector: Machine- en installatiebouw
  • Bedrijfsgrootte: 201-500 werknemers
  • Maandelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling 9.0 /10

Great Experience

Beoordeeld op 10-9-2020

Very happy with our choice. Great people.

Very happy with our choice. Great people.


Excellent customer service, ability to speak to a live CSR is a undeniable plus.
Easy to navigate and launch.
Paperless approach


Printing option is not the strongest. Definitely needs improvement on printing formatting.

Overwogen alternatieven

Cornerstone LMS

Redenen om voor ClearCompany te kiezen

unhappy with the service and software options.

Overgestapt van


Redenen om over te stappen op ClearCompany

felt like it was the most fit choice for our Company.
5 van 321 worden weergegeven Lees alle reviews

ClearCompany - Veelgestelde vragen

Hieronder zie je enkele veelgestelde vragen over ClearCompany.

ClearCompany kent de volgende prijsmodellen:

  • Gratis proef: Niet beschikbaar

ClearCompany heeft de volgende typische klanten:

51-200, 201-500, 501-1.000, 1.001-5.000

ClearCompany ondersteunt de volgende talen:

Arabisch, Chinees, Duits, Engels, Frans, Italiaans, Nederlands, Portugees, Russisch, Spaans

ClearCompany ondersteunt de volgende apparaten:

Android (mobiel), iPhone (mobiel), iPad (mobiel)

ClearCompany kan worden geïntegreerd met de volgende toepassingen:

ADP GlobalView Payroll, ADP Workforce Now, Absorb LMS, AccuSourceHR, Accurate, AmericanChecked, AssureHire, Asurint, BambooHR, Bongo, Checkr, Corban OneSource, Criteria, Discovered, Docufree, Equifax, Flexspring, Glassdoor, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Workspace, HR Avatar, HighMatch, HireRight, HireVue, Indeed, IntelliCorp, LinkedIn for Business, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Monster+, Netchex, OASIS, Okta, OneLogin, Oracle PeopleSoft, Orsus, Paychex Flex, Paylocity, Ping Identity, Predictive Index, PrismHR, Proliant, SHL Talent Management, Sapia, Shield Screening, Skillsoft, Slack, Talogy, TazWorks, Twitter/X, UKG Pro, Universal Background Screening, VICTIG Screening Solutions Suite, Verified First, Veritable Screening, ZipRecruiter, eSkill, eSkill UK Tests, isolved

ClearCompany biedt de volgende ondersteuningsopties:

E-mail/helpdesk, Veelgestelde vragen/forum, Kennisbank, Telefonische ondersteuning, 24/7 (contact met medewerker), Chatten

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